10 Scary Airborne Contaminants in Your Home
There’s nothing better than the first chill of autumn…the fresh, crisp air makes the inside of your home feel that much more cozy and warm. But have you ever wondered why the outside air can feel so fresh compared to the air in our homes?
October is National Healthy Lung Month so our team is taking a deep dive to ask—do you know what’s in your home’s air?
What are airborne contaminants?
An airborne particle is a material that’s part of the air we breathe in every day, but that is not natural in the air. These include gases such as carbon monoxide and fine particles from dust, dirt, and debris in our homes.
7 Common Household Sources of Pollutants
There are more sources of airborne pollutants than you may think—especially when it comes to our homes. Some of these sources include:
Bacteria and viruses
Dust mites trapped in bedding, curtains, or carpeting
Pet hair and dander
Mold and mildew
Droppings and shed body parts/skin from insects and rodents
Carbon monoxide leaks from gas-powered heating systems
These pollutants can affect your health and aggravate the symptoms of family members dealing with asthma, allergies, or other respiratory ailments.
How can I improve my indoor air quality?
Improving your air quality can be as simple as opening your windows on a nice day to refresh the air in your home and circulate any pollutants back outside—but once the winter chill hits, you’ll likely want to keep your windows closed to keep the heat in your home. Try one of these options to keep your indoor air quality feeling fresh all year:
Change Your Air Filter
One of the most cost-efficient and simple ways to keep your indoor air quality healthy is to change your air filter every 30 to 90 days. This prevents a buildup of contaminants and dust from circulating through your central heating system. If you heavily rely on your heating system during the winter or have pets that shed a lot, you may want to change your filters more often than other households.
Invest in Air Quality Systems
There are many systems that can help you improve the quality of your home’s air. Germicidal UV lamps can help you disinfect the air in your home from viruses and bacteria, while an air purification or filtration system can help you remove a greater number of contaminants from your home’s air.
An indoor air quality specialist can help you determine the biggest issue with your air supply and help you decide which system is right for you.
Learn more about our indoor air quality solutions by calling Advanced Home Services at 208-745-9406 or getting an online estimate today.